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Speech and communication

Speech and communication

At Obour Centers, we care about providing full care to individuals who suffer from speech and communication disorders. We care for them from the beginning of discovering the problem and at any age stage, where we begin with the stage of evaluating the individual’s abilities and identifying his strengths and weaknesses, then developing a treatment plan that suits his diagnosis and abilities.
● Evaluation by a speech and language pathologist to determine the appropriate treatment plan for him
● Treatment and rehabilitation through individual training sessions. The number of treatment sessions is determined according to the evaluation
● Training on the plan that was developed through appropriate training tools and methods for the individual.
Target groups
Individuals who suffer from language, voice, or speech disorders at various age levels. The service is provided through a specialized team and specialized programs for all cases.
● Autistic disorder
● Mental disability of various degrees
● Syndromes
● Hearing impairment of various degrees
● Cochlear implants
● Cerebral palsy
● Learning difficulties
● Language disorders (receptive – expressive – integrative)
● Voice disorders
● Speech disorders (delayed speech, slur, bites, and aphasia

Speech therapy programs
In transit centers, programs were designed to suit individuals with disabilities and were divided into 4 different programs according to the individual’s condition as follows:
● First level: It is concerned with qualifying the individual in the first stages of training, as it is concerned with the areas of (request – imitation – language).
● Receptivity – perception and matching – visual communication
● Second level: It is concerned with developing the individual’s language and speech skills and is concerned with the fields of (requesting in sentences – dialogue – naming –
● Imitation – executing complex commands) and other areas that help develop his language and dialogue
● Third level: It qualifies the individual to communicate effectively with the external community and integrate it by increasing his ability to
● Dialogue, reading, understanding dialogue, and participating in various topics
● The Hearing Rehabilitation Program is a special program for individuals with hearing impairment and cochlear implants, as it is concerned with training in sounds and relying on the sense of hearing to receive language and not read lips.

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